A Bookish Conversation
The Curious, Fascinating, and Practical Podcast
EP 15: The Hidden Costs of Automation

EP 15: The Hidden Costs of Automation

Using The Glass Cage by Nicolas Carr as a jumping off point, we talk about the hidden costs of automation and how to be intentional about being present and connected to the real world.

Click over to the podcast website for the links and resources mentioned in this episode:



A Bookish Conversation
The Curious, Fascinating, and Practical Podcast
Living with a posture of curiosity and a readiness to be fascinated by the miraculous creation and beauty around us means that we are active and present in our lives instead of trudging through the tyranny of busyness and our to do lists, letting it pass us by.
Join me as we deep dive into things that I'm curious about, fascinated by, and practical tips for educating our minds, and living creatively with passion and purpose.